Unlock wellbeing by creating Champions

Champions create a ripple effect in the workplace by encouraging more conversations about mental health. This proactive approach ensures individuals receive support before reaching a crisis stage.

The Everymind Champion course is a 1-hour long interactive online course that equips individuals with the tools to support themselves and others in the workplace. The course explains how we ALL have a role to play in normalising the mental health conversation in the workplace.

Plus, once the course ends, we don’t stop there. Wellbeing Champions will receive actionable resources from Everymind, new learning materials, and networking opportunities with other Everymind Champions.

9180 students and counting

A combined total of 250+ Resources

Networking opportunities

There’s something for everyone, and it’s totally free of charge

No, seriously.

A champion’s story

Ramona's story

Lately, I've really made an effort to look after myself better - whether it's going for daily walks or runs, diving into Vipassana meditation courses for my wellbeing, or simply jotting down things I'm grateful for each day in my journal, these practices have truly made a difference in how I approach life.

How becoming a champion helped me

The course was a game-changer for me. It's not just reinforced what I've already been doing; it's given me that extra push to be there for my loved ones and even acquaintances when they need someone to listen.

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89% of workplaces we’ve supported have recognised a key improvement in employee wellbeing. Speak to us today to learn how we can help you! 🙌

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