As we enter a new year with COVID-19 still ringing through our ears, mental health and wellbeing are firmly on the agenda for many CEOs, HR Managers and Culture teams. Who’s to know where workplace wellbeing would be if the pandemic hadn’t hit – however it is clear that a response to the C-word has become the driving force behind many business wellbeing strategies.
Whilst a business like Everymind at Work supports the welfare of employee wellbeing, we do believe it is a shame that it took a pandemic for many organisations to elevate the importance of it. However, this shows a glimmer of hope on the horizon.
How Has COVID-19 Shaped Workplace Wellbeing?
Senior leaders and HR professionals are working harder to combat the stigma surrounding the topic and have become to understand wellbeing is a business issue just as much as it is for the individual. The pandemic has not only put the topic at the forefront of our minds, it has also taught businesses to:
Lead by Example
Once directors and CEOs start speaking openly about their struggles, the topic is then trickled down amongst employees. This is a proactive and sustainable approach in seeing a reduction in stigma. It might be that talks are held for individuals to share their experiences or your intranet is a space for employees to contribute to the conversation across the organisation. We provide a platform, through the Everymind at Work App, for employees to share their personal experiences and to facilitate a culture that is welcoming and demonstrates the power of sharing.

The pandemic has given organisations the opportunity to see “flaws” in their business models. Whilst managers aren’t expected to be experts in the field of mental health, equipping them with sufficient tools and resources lends them to be able to have conversations on the topic, comfortably. Our Managers Training aims to provide managers with a level of understanding to create empathetic and compassionate workplaces. Whilst our (free!) Everymind Champion course equips employees with the right tools to promote the importance of wellbeing amongst peers in the workplace.
Provide a Sense of Belonging
As the saying goes; “there is no sentiment in business”, and whilst this is inherently true, a level of humanity does go a long way at work. This can be done by integrating a return of the pre-pandemic workplace. If we’re not socialising with others that we work with, we can feel isolated and lost, even if we are skilled for the role we’ve been given. Relationships and trust can’t be built if we’re not supporting a sense of belonging and inclusion.
Pay it Forward
It may be that the steps you’re putting in place now might outlive your time at the business, however, such strategies can work wonders for the employee life cycle, present and future. Whilst wellbeing isn’t linear it pays forward to be proactive in your approach to the welfare of your employees. Reaching a point of crisis not only demonstrates very little in proactivity, but chances are you’re facing high levels of reactivity.
If you’d like to understand how we can implement the like in your business, feel free to join us for a call.