Key Resources For Your MHFAs
Helping you support your ‘supporters’
The #1 Mistake Businesses Make With Mental Health First Aid
Below, you’ll find a number of resources to help you provide more support to your MHFAs. Training your MHFAs is only the beginning, yet this is where many businesses fall down, failing to provide the necessary ongoing support that allows them to be successful in their role and ensure they’re supported throughout.

Supporting Downloads

'Your Colleagues Need You' MHFA Poster
We’ve created a poster that you can utilise to recruit new MHFAs or inspire you to create your own!
Grab your copy
What is a Mental Health First Aider?
Serving as a role profile for recruiting your MHFAs, this highlights the skills and qualities you should look for and more…
Download now
Mini-Guide: Promoting your role as a MHFA or Champion
In this guide, we uncover key pointers on how MHFAs and Champions can promote themselves better!
Grab your copyInterested in speaking with us?
If you’d like to learn more about how you can shift from reactive wellbeing support to proactive support, we’d love to talk to you. Simply book in below with one of our consultants and we’ll run you through the Everymind approach!