Why Postvention in the Workplace Is Crucial
In this webinar replay, Paul McGregor (Founder of Everymind at Work) discusses one of the hardest things we can face both inside and outside the workplace – the impact of suicide. Led by Paul’s personal experience of suicide bereavement, the session will cover what organisations and HR professionals can do to provide better postvention support for the individuals and teams impacted by suicide. During this session, Paul covers:
- Why postvention must happen and how the provision of support after a suicide is key to addressing suicide risk
- Clear action steps for HR and the business on supporting employees going through suicide bereavement
- The dangerous ripple effect of suicide
- How to talk about suicide in the workplace and why the language we use is important

Supporting Downloads

Guide To Postvention Support at Work
We know it’s hard when everyone expects you to have the answers. In this guide, we help you understand how HR can better support employees through suicide postvention.
Harnessing Positive Language Changes
Download this awareness poster to help you harness the positive language changes around mental health and suicide.
How To Support Those Bereaved By Suicide
Suicide is a unique grief and topic that’s often avoided. In this guide, we provide some of the best ways of supporting someone bereaved by suicide.