How HR, MHFAs & Champions can respond to suicide risk in the workplace
*Please note that we will be covering the topic of suicide in this session. We kindly ask you to monitor how you’re feeling during and after the session, making sure you take a short break if needed after the session due to the subject nature.
This webinar replay provides practical guidance on how to work together as true advocates for suicide prevention and understand how to support colleagues in crisis. In the session, we were joined by Paul McGregor (Founder, Everymind at Work), Kayleigh Fuller (Training & Development Lead, Everymind at Work) and Milly Dexter (Trainee Counselling Psychologist, Everymind at Work) to discuss:
- The key steps MHFAs, Champions and HR should take if they encounter a crisis situation.
- An effective 4-stage risk assessment model you can utilise.
- Valuable tools and strategies to address suicide risk in the workplace.
- Ways each group can promote better mental health and create a supportive workplace culture.

Supporting Downloads

Guide: Step-Up Risk Assessment
The Step-Up Risk Assessment is a tool to help you get useful information from your colleague to determine whether that person might be in immediate danger.
Guide: Crisis Safety Plan
A crisis safety plan sets out possible ways that an individual can be supported whilst navigating suicidal feelings.