Harassment in the workplace

Harassment is something that has, unfortunately, taken place for many years, both in and out of the workplace.
We understood just how much goes unspoken following an open conversation about our experiences. This spurred on an idea to take that conversation out of the office and share it with you, to (hopefully) make a difference for those who are or have faced it too.
Whilst we’re not here to indulge in the ins and outs of the situations that occurred, what you will hear are some important takeaways from the lived experience of three cis-women (Kayleigh, Jem and Meg) from Everymind at Work. This includes, how it made them feel, how to be an ally and what advice they would give to someone else in their situation.
We understand this is not just a women’s issue. We know the role everyone can play in ensuring the narrative changes around harassment so we hope everyone will join us on this journey.
Please note: What you’ll hear is anecdotal, what may work for one, may not work for everyone. If you have been affected by anything in this video or are concerned about someone else, please take a look at our support resources below.
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