How to promote positive mental health in the recruitment industry

74% of recruiters have suffered from a mental health issue in the last year. Let’s change that.


Things you will learn from this guide

Where your recruiters need help

We surveyed recruiters through our app to identify the key wellbeing areas they struggle with the most.

The industry problems

Learn why the problem isn’t just going away. A proactive response is needed which in turn will benefit your organisational results.

6 steps you can take

Understand what support is required in the workplace and learn how to create a culture of support.

Ways to save time and budget

Stop guessing, we highlight some key evidence based interventions within this guide to save you time, resources and budget.

How to continue the conversation

Fed up with sending communications about mental health and them falling flat? We provide advice on continuing the conversation.

£1 spent, £5 returned

With research showing for every £1 spent on mental health in the workplace, businesses see a £5 return, this guide helps you take action.

Download The Free Guide Now!

Includes 6 steps you can take action on today!
