June Roundtable - From a Wellbeing Week to a Wellbeing Culture

What: A selective and senior group roundtable, offering the chance to network, discuss challenges, and learn from others, all with the goal of helping you drive your wellbeing strategy forward.

When: 26th June at 1pm

Where: Virtual over Zoom! Invite shared privately

What you can expect...

With the dust settling on another MH Awareness week that seems bigger each year, EMAW is bringing together an intimate selective group to continue that momentum offering the chance for you to network, discuss your challenges, learn from others and drive your wellbeing strategy forward.

We’ll be covering:

  • Engagement & Its challenges (demographics, circumstance, etc.)
  • Networks/ERG’s and the role they have to play
  • SLT & Manager Engagement

As an exclusive event, follow up with the individual who shared this with you!