Each year, new reports circulate showing statistics surrounding mental health in the workplace that present a crisis surrounding our mental well being. With many UK employers unaware of many mental health issues, their symptoms and causes, many simply do not have the knowledge or access to the right treatment for their workforce. Here are 7 mental health at work statistics highlighting the severity of the matter.
At any given time, 1 in 6 working-age adults have symptoms associated with mental ill-health.
This number suggests that if it’s not you suffering and depending on the size of your team, someone or multiple members around you may be experiencing mental health issues as we speak.
89% of workers with mental health problems report an impact on their working life.
Talent search engine CV-Library recently revealed that 14.1% of UK workers believe they have a mental health problem. 89% of the individuals reporting they have suffered from a mental health issue revealed it has affected their working life with some resulting in resigning from their jobs altogether.
Mental ill-health costs the UK 72 million working days.
Staff turnover, sickness, and loss of productivity all play a part when mental ill-health is at the forefront of workers. Not only does this result in other increased workloads for other employees it means those with mental ill-health could result in losing their jobs too.
Employees with a long-term mental health condition lose their jobs every year at around double the rate of those without a mental health condition. This equates to 300,000 people.
In recent years, the UK has seen an increase in long-term stress with employees being signed off work, along with employees taking time off for mental health issues. Employees who fall into either category are at risk of losing their job due to a lack of knowledge and access to support.
70-75% of people with diagnosable mental illness receive no treatment at all.
Getting access to mental health comes with a number of drawbacks, ranging from financial difficulties, waitlists, and lack of knowledge or understanding. Physical health issues are seen to and dealt with at a much faster rate simply because there is little to no stigma attached to it.
Just 13% of employees feel comfortable talking about mental illness at work.
Like the aforementioned, not many employees feel confident and comfortable talking about their mental health struggles. Employees would prefer to talk about issues concerning money, sex or a physical health concern over how they feel mentally, indicating the conversation around mental health, in the workplace, is still very much stigmatised.
Supporting mental health at work can generate an ROI of up to 800%.
Well being programs in the workplace not only see a reduction in depression, anxiety and stress but they also act as a preventive measure for future mental ill-health. Supporting mental health in the workplace can be through a number of ways including well being programs or mental health first aid.
Are you looking for ways to reduce unwanted stress, anxiety and depression in the workplace, or you simply want to support the happiness of your workforce? At Everymind, we provide tailored content at your employee’s fingertips to normalise conversations around mental health at work. Get in touch with us today about a demo.